Connecting the world through PEACE


10월 16일, 파라과이 피스로드 - Oct 16, Peace Road 2016 in Paraguay    
date    2016-11-29 writer    PEACE ROAD   

10월 16일, 파라과이 피스로드

Oct 16, Peace Road 2016 in Paraguay

10월 16일, 파라과이 피스로드가 열려 150명이 피스로드 현수막, 깃발, 티셔츠와 함께 10km를 종주했습니다.
파라과이의 몇몇 자전거 연합이 행사를 지원했으며 Bes Water Company 이름의 회사에서 피스로드 뜻에 동참하며 내년 피스로드 후원을 약속하기도 했습니다.
응급차와 소방 봉사자, 국립 경찰 등이 행사의 안전을 책임져주어 안전하게 행사를 마무리했습니다.
PEACE ROAD Paraguay 2016 was held on October 16 with a mobilization of around 150 cyclists with t-shirts, flags and banners carrying messages regarding the event that started at the Costanera Jose Asuncion Flores Ave.
Participants were completely involved and accomplished the 10 km route, stopping in front of the Cabildo, former Legislative Palace, where a historic and beautiful photo was taken.
Several cyclists’ organizations from Paraguay supported the event, as well as Bes Water Company who also joined our ideals looking forward to support next year more in advance, in order to make the event bigger.
The presence of the Ambulance from the Firemen Volunteers of San Lorenzo, the National Police and Urban Tourist Police gave the event a sense of security.










pre 6월 1일, 상투메프린시페 피스로드 - Jun 1, Peace Road 2016 in Sao Tome and Principe
next 7월 27일, 라이베리아 피스로드 - July 27, Peace Road 2016 in Liberia