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8월 13~27일, 멕시코 피스로드 - Aug 13~27, Peace Road 2016 in Mexico    
date  2016-11-11 /  hit  3152    

8월 13~27일, 멕시코 피스로드

aug 13~27, peace road 2016 in mexico

멕시코에서는 몬테레이, 두랑고, 멕시코시티, 푸에블라 4개 주에서 피스로드를 실시했습니다.
8월 13일, 몬테레이에서 피스로드가 개최돼 4.4km를 행진했습니다. 행사에 참석한 과달루페 시장은 내년 피스로드를 후원하겠다는 의지를 서명으로 표현하였습니다. 이날 피스로드 행사는 몬테레이 지역 뉴스에 보도됐습니다.
8월 14일 두랑고에서는 15명이 참여해 피스로드를 개최했습니다.
8월 20일 멕시코시티에서는?claudia sheinbaum 틀랄판 시장을 대신해 3명의 대리자들이 참석한 가운데 피스로드 행사가 열렸으며 멕시코시티의 15km를 종주해 혁명기념관에서 종주를 마무리했습니다.
8월 27일, 푸에블라 주의 12명의 종주자들은 7km를 행진했으며 2개 라디오 방송사에서 피스로드 행사를 홍보했습니다.
mexico held the peace road in four different states, monterrey, durango, mexico city and ?puebla from august?13th to 27th.
monterrey peace road was held with a large participation of cyclists and people on foot.
even in a heavy rain, the participants showed great courage and determination to run the 4.4 kms planned for this activity.
guadalupe mayor was please to sign the poster and expressed his wiliness to support this activity for the next year.
monterrey local news reported the event.
durango peace road was held in august 14th and ?it was ended at plaza centenario where the executive palace, legislative and judicialis located, taking us a photo at the statue of benito juarez.
on august 20th, mexico city peace road was held in. the tour started in mexico city, tlalpan with the participation of 3 persons in representation of tlalpan major(mss. claudia sheinbaum) mr. efren and 2 other delegation persons.
we ride 15kms from the headquarters of the federation to the down town, in one of its most important monuments (revolution monument) culminating with a picture took and statement of this peace tour 2016 reason.
finally, in puebla, peace road was held on august 27th and 12 people participated in.

크기변환_2016-08-14 monterrey 1

▲?과달루페 시장 lic. francisco cienfuegos (guadalupe major lic. francisco cienfuegos)

크기변환_2016-08-14 monterrey 7

▲ monterrey peace road (8. 13)


▲ durango?peace road (8. 14)

크기변환_2016-08-20 cdmx 7

▲ mexico city peace road (8. 20)

크기변환_20160827_puebla 1

▲ puebla?peace road (8. 27)

8월 13일, 카자흐스탄 피스로드 - Aug 13, Peace Road in Kazakhstan
Nov 7, Peace Road 2016 in Guatemala